New Year News

Hey Folks!

I hope you all had a great Christmas this year and I hope you were able to spend it with your families. There’s nothing I find more uplifting than spending downtime with my loved ones. It brings me back to center and reminds me of who I am and why I’m here. For me, it’s a time of reflection on what I’ve accomplished and where I want to go. It’s the ending of a cycle and the beginning of the next. It signals a gradual slowing down for me that culminates around Christmas and ends on the night of the New Year. And the end of the cycle is upon us.

When I was younger, I never understood the deeper meaning behind our holidays and why we celebrated them. I just knew I wanted the toys and the candy. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that without human connection and human experience, we’re not really living. It’s those experiences that allow us to reflect on ourselves and our lives and determine what is important to us and what is not. And for me, I’ve come to realize the most important things in life are not material. They are in fact metaphysical. I value Love, Truth, Knowledge, Intention, Compassion, and Forgiveness. And though they don’t pay the bills or put food on the table, I believe they are an essential part of this whole experience. And they are an essential part of how I live my life.

I wasn’t intending to get so philosophical, but in today’s day, discussions of this kind are of the most importance. We are now globally connected through the vast spider web of the internet, yet I’ve never felt further away from my fellow humans. Hiding behind the screen, deception and lies have taken the place of truth and facts. And now we get to pick the reality we live in. But no matter what Cosmology we choose to believe, there are basic universal principles that cannot be twisted and manipulated. And those truths are the truths that I value.

I am not perfect and I don’t I believe any human is. But I do try and practice honesty and integrity in my life and in my work. I am not out to get rich and I’m not out to deceive. I’m out to grow this plant and grow my soul and bring the best medicine I can to the world. If I can keep the lights on and feed my family in the process, it’s a win.

But you should never take my word for anything. Always do your due diligence and remember; its the actions of people that really show you who they are. I’ll always be transparent and answer any questions you may have. But if you really want get to know my work, the truth lies in the quality of the products we put out. I would never sell anything I wouldn’t personally consume. And this is coming from someone who has never bought a single gram from a Rec. store. I don’t believe in fancy marketing and I don’t believe in hyping myself up.

So, if you gave us a chance regardless of fancy packaging and glass jars, regardless of COAs, and regardless of all the other big growers out there, you have no idea how incredibly grateful I am. And honestly, I’m grateful to see that quality is becoming a standard in the industry, when the past few years it’s just been about the quick buck.

Times are changing as they always have. But I plan to make to make 2022 the best year of my life. And I hope everyone comes along with me. I’m not out here trying to get rich. If I wanted to do that, I would’ve picked a different career. I’m out here to free the plant and in doing so leave a lasting impression on this earth, my friends, and my family.


Flower COAs